

World Tuna Day is May 2, and unlike a lot of international food “holidays,” this one actually means something. It represents their effort to educate the public about the sustainability issues tied to tuna fishing—but also a reason to celebrate progress.

When it comes to sustainability, while there’s still work to be done, there’s also lots of progress to celebrate. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, the global tuna fishing industry has made serious changes since 2014, including these accomplishments:

  • More than half (8 out of 13) of the world’s major commercial tuna stocks are no longer being overfished

  • New techniques and equipment improvements have reduced bycatching and plastic pollution

  • Closed 18 vulnerable areas to fishing, which helps to establish and protect precious marine ecosystems 

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), which certifies fisheries as sustainable, also uses World Tuna Day to raise awareness about overfishing and protecting tuna stocks for future generations. This year, MSC's World Tuna Day theme is Yes We Can: It’s all about the steps that you can take to eat more responsibly. 

Choosing responsibly sourced seafood is one easy way to make your lifestyle more sustainable. 

As one of the companies working in this seafood industry, Hai Son Foods is committed to responsible business practices that preserve healthy ocean habitats




Source: https://chickenofthesea.com/blog/world-tuna-day-a-holiday-with-a-mission/